
Full Spectrum FECO Oils

Chemo Days and Pain Free Nights

**THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol): What You Need to Know**

THC, short for Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most prevalent cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. It serves as the primary chemical compound responsible for inducing the intoxicating effects commonly associated with cannabis consumption. Generally, the higher the THC content, the more pronounced the intoxication. However, THC is not the sole contributor to the overall experience, as multiple cannabinoids work in harmony to deliver therapeutic benefits.

**Understanding FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil)**

FECO, or Full Extract Cannabis Oil, stands as one of the most popular forms of cannabis concentrates. It essentially concentrates THC and other therapeutic compounds found in marijuana. The advantage of FECO oil lies in its efficiency, as it requires less plant material to achieve the desired level of potency. This translates to cleaner lungs, reduced preparation time, and minimal odors, making it a discreet option for consumption.

**Safety of Cannabis FECO Oil**

Cannabis is widely recognized as a safe substance compared to others of its kind. As long as doses are kept within reasonable limits, there should be minimal cause for concern. Even in cases of overconsumption, side effects are generally mild and short-lived. However, it's crucial to note that THC FECO oil is a psychoactive substance that induces intoxication. Consequently, users must refrain from activities such as driving while under its influence. Additionally, it's imperative to store all cannabis products out of children's reach and ensure proper labeling.

**Methods of Consuming FECO Oil**

There exists a variety of methods for consuming cannabis oil. Some individuals prefer placing a few drops under their tongue (or beneath it for faster absorption). Others choose to enhance the potency and intensity of a joint by adding a bit of FECO oil. Smoking through a bong or pipe or vaporizing it in a weed vape are also viable options. For those with a sweet tooth, FECO oil can be incorporated into or mixed with food items to create cannabis-infused edibles.

**What to Expect When Taking THC FECO Oil**

THC FECO oil can evoke a range of sensations. Common effects include heightened relaxation, euphoria, sedation, increased happiness, and improved overall mood. Many users report enhanced creativity, energy levels, and appetite. The specific effects can vary depending on the type of oil and the cannabis strain from which it originates, as well as the THC dosage.

**Medical Applications of Marijuana FECO Oil**

THC oil has long been a staple within the medical marijuana community, aiding patients in managing conditions like anxiety, stress, and depression. It also serves as a valuable tool in alleviating aches and pains by reducing muscle and joint inflammation. Furthermore, THC oil may assist individuals dealing with ADHD, PTSD, sleep disorders, and eating disorders.

**Potential Side Effects of THC FECO Oil**

THC FECO oil is known for its limited negative side effects, typically arising from irresponsible consumption. These side effects, when present, tend to be short-lived and relatively mild, encompassing symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, lethargy, headaches, red eyes, and dry mouth.

**Determining the Right Cannabis Oil Dosage**

The appropriate dosage of cannabis oil depends largely on the oil's THC concentration, individual tolerance, metabolic rate, and intended use. Beginners are advised to start with a 5-10mg dose and adjust accordingly. More experienced users can consider a 10-30mg dose based on specific needs. Experienced daily users may require higher doses, but they should possess a strong grasp of their usage patterns. For cancer treatment with THC FECO Oil, a consistent daily dose of 1000mg for a 90-day period without interruptions is recommended to maintain the desired therapeutic effect.

**Producing Cannabis Oil**

Cannabis oil can be produced through various extraction methods, often involving a combination of heat, pressure, cold, and careful handling. Some extraction processes can be hazardous, so it's advisable to entrust the task to trained professionals with the necessary equipment. While safer home-based methods exist, thorough research and avoidance of potentially dangerous approaches are crucial.

**Duration of THC Oil Detection in the Body**

THC can remain detectable in the body for a variable period, typically ranging from 3 to 30 days. This variability is influenced by factors such as individual tolerance levels, metabolic rate, THC dosage, and dosing frequency. Shorter or longer detection times are possible based on these variables. thx

LabRoots - Cannabis Sciences Virtual Event 2019  Presented By: Justin Kander - Research and Development Coordinator, The Oil Plant, Inc.  

Speaker Biography: Justin Kander is the Patient Coordinator for The Oil Plant, a licensed manufacturer of whole-plant cannabis medicines in California. He has been with the company and its associated brand Aunt Zelda's since July 2015. In 2008, he began collecting research and experiences surrounding the use of cannabis to treat cancer, and eventually published several books on the subject. Justin has presented at medical cannabis conferences to further share information as widely as possible.

Webinar: Cannabis as an Anticancer Treatment: The Scientific and Human Evidence  

Webinar Abstract: The use of cannabis to treat the symptoms of cancer and associated treatments is well known, but a growing body of evidence shows how cannabis can also be used as a direct anticancer agent. In this presentation, preclinical studies showing the anticancer effects of specific cannabinoids will be discussed, along with human reports of remissions from aggressive cancers after using high doses of cannabinoids.

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the basic biological mechanisms by which cannabinoids have been shown to inhibit cancers

2. Understand the human and clinical evidence demonstrating how preclinical effects are translating to humans

FECO THC & CBD Oil  (Full Extract Cannabis Oil)

What is FECO Oil?

Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a cannabis concentrate used for many different medical benefits, including relieving cancer symptoms. It has a thick, syrupy consistency and can be applied as a topical or ingested in food or drinks.

In 2003, Rick Simpson created a cannabis oil after three suspicious bumps on his arm turned out to be basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. Simpson had used cannabis to treat medical issues in the past, so he made a cannabis oil to treat his skin cancer topically, applying it to a bandage and covering the cancerous spots.
Within days, the cancerous growths disappeared

Although his physician refused to acknowledge  cannabis as a treatment alternative, Simpson became a true believer in the medicinal powers of cannabis and spread the word of his cannabis oil, later called RSO after him or Phoenix Tears.

Benefits of FECO Oil  (Full ExtractCannabis Oil)

It’s important to note that there are currently no scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of FECO. However, it is mainly used to help treat skin cancer, and many people report that it helps relieve symptoms of other conditions.

Compared to other forms of cannabis, FECO is great because it’s easy to make, it’s discrete and odourless, and can be taken orally on its own, or mixed with any food.

This is the Oil Formula that I have been using for the past 7 years of fighting Cancer. This is made from heavy Indica strains that are half decarbed and mixed together to get the more medicine out of the plant. The goal for this oil isn’t anything to do with recreational usage as this is designed to be taken orally and not smoked, this is Medicine . The oil is full spectrum and we have kept all the fats and waxes in the oil to assist on what it is intended to do and fight pain and my Cancers. This is what I use and made lablestoshow what is inside package.

Full Extract THC Cannabis Oil

Made from Organically Grown Cannabis that is extracted thru a Closed Loop Ethanol Extraction System. Filtered through 8 stages down to 2 microns


Most the Time we are at the Canadian Cancer Wards

Upcoming Events

Live Broadcast - TBA

Making Medicine TBA

Call in Q & A - TBA

Live Show on the Benefits of using Cannabis in your Cancer Protocol

Courses on how to make the Cannabis Medicines

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No matter where you are or what you are doing, lets just try to help others everyday. We are trying to make each one of you fighters and survivors 1440 minutes each day to be better. We are here for you to help make sure that your journey through your illness is as peaceful and wonderful as it can be. Keep that smile on your face and if you do good things for others that are in need, that smile will be HUGE!! Also never give up the fight, but never give up doing wonderful things while really living life  ----------- ROBIN WEED

What is FECOor RSO Oil - Educational Video on RSO

What its like to do 1000mg of RSO Oil a day for 90 days

(The standard protocol of fighting Cancer from our sucesses)

Full Extract CBD  Oil

Product that is extracted thru a Closed Loop Ethanol Extraction System. Filtered through 8 stages down to 2 microns

All prices on this page are plus delivery charge from Canada Post

Full Extract 4:1 THC/CBD Cannabis Oil

Made from Organically Grown Cannabis that is extracted thru a Closed Loop Ethanol Extraction System. Filtered through 8 stages down to 2 microns

How to Micro Dose up to a Gram a Day for Cancer Fighters

How to handle the HIGH from the RSO Oil

(The standard protocol of Fighting Cancer from our tests)

Cannabis Components and Cancer: What We Know and Where We're Headed

Cancer, Chemotherapy, and Medical Marijuana - June 21, 2023

This week, host Marc Matoza of Marijuana Med Today welcomes co-host Amy Green, RN, Manny Alfinez, and Forest Haag. The topic was Cancer, Chemotherapy, and Medical Marijuana, and attendees participated in a live Q&A session following the presentation.

Materials from the seminar and additional resources can be found at https://marijuanaaware.com/psr-cancer...

Don't miss out on the Medical Marijuana Awareness Webinar series! Join us each week for live discussions to learn from the comfort and safety of your own home. Visit MarijuanaAware.com to see speaker profiles, upcoming topics, featured resources, and more.


TOPIC: Cancer, Chemotherapy, and Medical Marijuana


Amy Green, RN - MMTC of Florida

Manny Alfinez - Store Manager, Surterra Wellness

Forrest Haag - Product Marketing Manager, Surterra Wellness



CLICK HERE TO BUY 10000mg THC FECO OIL @ $180.00

CLICK HERE TO BUY 90000mg THC FECO OIL @ $1399.50 - 90 Day Cancer Protocol



CLICK HERE TO BUY 10,000mg CBD FECO OIL @ $180.00

CLICK HERE TO BUY 1000mg 4:1 THC/CBD OIL @ $25.00

CLICK HERE TO BUY 5000mg 4:1 THC/CBD OIL @ $100.00

CLICK HERE TO BUY 10,000mg 4:1 THC/CBD OIL @ $180.00

CLICK HERE TO BUY 90000mg 4:1 FECO THC/CBD OIL @ $1399.50 - 90 Day Cancer Protocol